World Geography Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers GK

World Geography MCQ Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers

World Geography Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers GK

World Geography Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers GK: Dear visitor in this section we will get to know about World Geography and Geography Trivia Quiz Questions based on various different Geography topics i.e. Oceans and Seas of the World, Lakes of the World, Mountain Plateaus and Plains, Islands of the World, International Date Line and Time Determination, Continents and Oceans, Waves of the World, Waterfalls of the World, Latitude and Longitude, Structure of the Atmosphere etc. World Geography Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers GK are follows:

World Geography Trivia GK Quiz Questions with Answers

Question: The Tropic of Capricorn does not pass through which of the following countries of South America?

[A] Chilli

[B] Bolivia

[C] Paraguay

[D] Brazil

Answer: [B] Bolivia

Question: Prime meridian passes from which of the following place?

[A] Sydney

[B] Greenland

[C] Gujarat

[D] Greenwich

Answer: [D] Greenwich

Question: Name of the line joining the Earth’s North Pole and South Pole is-

[A] Longitude

[B] Latitude line

[C] International Line

[D] Tropic of Cancer

Answer: [A] Longitude

Question: The clock time in any one of the following cities is not the same as the clock time of the other 3 cities?

[A] London (UK)

[B] Lisbon (Portugal)

[C] Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

[D] Accra (Ghana)

Answer: [C] Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Question: International date line is not straight, what is the reason for this?

[A] Coriolis force

[B] International agreement

[C] Keeping the day and time of different parts of some countries the same

[D] All of the above

Answer: [C] Keeping the day and time of different parts of some countries same

Question: What is the reason for the deviation of the International Date Line in the North Pacific Ocean?

[A] Hawaiian Islands

[B] Elevation lamp group

[C] International agreement

[D] Suitable all

Answer: [B] Elevation lamp group

Question: In which of the following regions do the world’s largest earthquakes (about 63%) occur?

[A] Para Pacific Ocean Belt

[B] Mid-Atlantic Belt

[C] Indian Ocean Belt

[D] Mid continental belt

Answer: [A] Para Pacific Ocean Belt

Question: In which country is the most volcanic activity found?

[A] Japan

[B] Colombia

[C] New Zealand

[D] Hawaii

Answer: [A] In Japan

Question: Which of the following is the most active volcano in the world?

[A] Kilauea

[B] Cotopaxi

[C] Vesuvius

[D] Fujiyama

Answer: [A] Kilauea

Question: In which country is the dead volcano Kilimanjaro located?

[A] Tanzania

[B] Mexico

[C] Italy

[D] America

Answer: [A] Tanzania

Question: “South Alps” mountain range is located in….

[A] Australia

[B] New Zealand

[C] South Africa

[D] Indonesia

Answer: [B] New Zealand

Question: Name of the country where the hills named Black Hill, Blue Hill and Green Hill are located-

[A] United States

[B] Australia

[C] South Africa

[D] Sri Lanka

Answer: [A] United States

Question: Where is the highest mountain peak of Africa Mount Kilimanjaro located?

[A] Kenya

[B] Malawi

[C] Tanzania

[D] None of the above

Answer: [C] Tanzania

Question: Which of the following is the highest mountain peak of North America?

[A] Mount McKinley

[B] Mount Everest

[C] Mount Elbrus

[D] None of the above

Answer: [A] Mount McKinley

Question: Which of the following is the mountain that forms the border between France and Spain?

[A] Perinees

[B] Alps

[C] Andes

[D] None of the above

Answer: [A] Perinees

Question: Alps in Europe, Rockies in North America and Andes in South America are examples of

[A] Fold mountain

[B] Block Mountain

[C] Volcano Mountains

[D] Residual mountain

Answer: [A] Fold mountain

Question: In which of the following countries is the Mansetta Plateau located?

[A] Mexico

[B] Spain and Portugal

[C] Brazil

[D] America

Answer: [B] Spain and Portugal

Question: What are the tropical cyclonic storms that occur in the Philippines, Japan and China Sea called?

[A] Typhoon

[B] Tornado

[C] Hurricane

[D] None of the above

Answer: [A] Typhoon

Question: …………… is the driest place in the world?

[A] Patagonia

[B] Sahara

[C] Atacama

[D] Thar

Answer: [C] Atacama

Question: Which of the following is the world’s most saline lake?

[A] Van Lake

[B] Dead Sea

[C] Aral Sea

[D] Caspian Sea

Answer: [A] Van Lake

Question: Which of the 5 lakes included in America’s lake state is completely located in the United States?

[A] Michigan

[B] Superior

[C] Erie

[D] Monteria

Answer: [A] Michigan

Question: Where the “Lake Victoria” is located—–

[A] East Africa

[B] Bolivia

[C] Western Australia

[D] America

Answer: [A] East Africa

Question: Which one of the following lakes forms the international border between Tanzania and Uganda?

[A] Victoria

[B] Malawi

[C] Zambezi

[D] Chard

Answer: [A] Victoria

Question: Which of the following country is called “Land of a thousand lakes”?

[A] Finland

[B] Thailand

[C] Ireland

[D] England

Answer: [A] Finland

Question: Which of the following lakes is located on the equator in the continent of Africa?

[A] Victoria

[B] Trust

[C] Tanganyika

[D] None of these

Answer: [A] Victoria

Question: Which is the largest lake in the continent of Africa?

[A] Victoria

[B] Trust

[C] Tanganyika

[D] None of these

Answer: [A] Victoria

Question: ‘Niagara Falls’ is situated on the border of which of the following?

[A] Switzerland and Germany

[B] USA and Canada

[C] Denmark and Sweden

[D] France and Italy

Answer: [B] USA and Canada

Question: Where is the Niagara Falls located?

[A] United Kingdom

[B] Australia


[D] Africa

Answer: [C] In USA

Question: Which of the following continents is also known as the ‘Continent of Thirsty Lands’ due to the small amount of rainfall received over a large part of it?

[A] Australia

[B] Asia

[C] Africa

[D] Europe

Answer: [A] Australia

Question: Which of the following continents is spread over all the northern, southern, eastern and western hemispheres?

[A] Africa

[B] South America

[C] Europe

[D] Asia

Answer: [A] Africa

Question: ……is the highest mountain peak of North America continent

[A] Mount Everest

[B] Mount McKinley

[C] Mount Elbrus

[D] Mount Aconcagua

Answer: [B] Mount McKinley

Question: Which of the following is the largest lake in the continent of Australia?

[A] Lake Eyre

[B] Barley Lake

[C] Macken Lake

[D] Lake Victoria

Answer: [A] Lake Eyre

Question: Which latitude line passes through the continent of Australia?

[A] Tropic of Capricorn

[B] Tropic of Cancer

[C] Equator

[D] None of the above

Answer: [A] Tropic of Capricorn

Question: Name of the country that has the longest coastline in the world?

[A] Australia

[B] Canada

[C] Norwegian

[D] Indonesia

Answer: [B] Canada

Question: Which of the following sea is between Jordan and Israel?

[A] Caspian Sea

[B] Dark ocean

[C] Yellow Sea

[D] Dead Sea

Answer: [D] Dead Sea

Question: Which is the sea separating European Turkey from Asian Turkey?

[A] Black Sea

[B] Marmara Sea

[C] Baltic Sea

[D] None of the above

Answer: [B] Marmara Sea

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