Class 1 Computer Questions with Answers GK Quiz, Grade 1 Quiz

Class 1 Computer Questions with Answers GK Quiz, Grade 1 Quiz

Computer Quiz Questions With Answers

Here our team collected number of Computer Questions with Answers Quiz for Grade 1 Students, Childs, and Kids. Basic Computer Knowledge for Class 1.  Class 1 Computer Questions with Answers GK Quiz, Grade 1 Quiz

Computer Quiz for Grade 1 Questions with Answers GK Quiz

Question: Which of these can’t be carried around?

(A) Desktop Computer

(B) Tablet

(C) Laptop

Answer: (A) Desktop Computer

Question:  Which of these can run on battery?

(A) Tablet

(B) Laptop

(C) Both of these

Answer: (C) Both of these

Question:  Pick the smallest computer from the following

(A) Tablet

(B) Laptop

(C) Desktop Computer

Answer: (A) Tablet

Question:  Which of these does not have a keyboard?

(A) Laptop

(B) Tablet

(C) Desktop Computer

Answer: (B) Tablet

Computer Quiz for Class 2Computer Quiz for Class 3 & 4

Question: A computer does not

(A) Work Fast

(B) Learn new things

(C) Do Sums

Answer: (B) Learn new things

Question: Which of these computers has a CPU box?

(A) Laptop

(B) Tablet

(C) Desktop Computer

Answer: (C) Desktop Computer

Class 1 Computer Quiz Questions with Answers GK

Question: Pick what a computer can do

(A) Store Information

(B) Learn new things

(C) Think of new games

Answer: (A) Store Information

Question: To record a song we use

(A) Speakers

(B) Microphone

(C) Headphone

Answer: (B) Microphone

Question: Which of the following helps us point at things on the screen?

(A) Mouse

(B) Keyboard


Answer: (A) Mouse

Question: Pressing this key starts a new line.

(A) Enter Key

(B) Backspace Key

(C) Shift key

Answer: (A) Enter Key

Question: Which of these keys can close the start menu?

(A) Delete Key

(B) Escape Key

(C) Caps Lock Key

Answer: (B) Escape Key

Computer Questions Answers for Class 1 GK Quiz Questions

Question: Pressing shift key with an alphabet key

(A) Always types a capital letter

(B) Types a capital letter if caps lock is on

(C) Types a capital letter if caps lock is off

Answer: (A) Always types a capital letter

Question: Which of these supplies power to the computer during a power cut?



(C) Monitor

Answer: (B) UPS

Question: Which of these has a touch screen?

(A) Keyboard

(B) Tablet

(C) Mouse

Answer: (B) Tablet

Question: CPU Stands for

(A) Central Processing Unit

(B) Central Project Unit

(C) None of these

Answer: (A) Central Processing Unit

Question: Which key is used to put in space between words?

(A)  Enter Key

(B) Spacebar Key

(C) Shift Key

Answer: (B) Spacebar Key

Question: Which kind of Device a computer mouse is

(A) Input

(B) Output

(C) None of these

Answer: (A) Input

Question: What kind of device a printer is

(A) Output

(B) Input

(C) None of these

Answer: (C) None of these

Grade 1 Computer Questions with Answers GK Quiz

Question: The word CD stands for

(A) Compact Disc

(B) Compress Disc

(C) Computer Disc

Answer: (A) Compact Disc

Question: Which of these can be used to store files?

(A) Printer

(B) Speaker

(C) Pen Drive & Hard Disk

Answer: (C) Pen Drive & Hard Disk

Question: We use____________ to scan photographs

(A) Scanner

(B) Printer

(C) Microphone

Answer: (A) Scanner

Question:  What would you use to listen to music?

(A) Headphone

(B) Microphone

(C) None of these

Answer: (A) Headphone

Question: Which of these can store information?

(A) CD

(B) Pen Drive

(C) None of these

Answer: (B) Pen Drive

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